Fund the Resource Directory!

Fund the Resource Directory and Directly Support Los Angeles Families!

At BreastfeedLA, we remain strong in our belief that advocating for each and every family improves life for us all. We believe that in order to reduce health disparities it is important to actively pursue and implement policies and practices that minimize health inequities. We work on strategies that support all families, such as breastfeeding resource access for all. 

One way we hope to achieve this is by providing LA County with a robust, complete, and diverse Resource Directory that can be easily accessed by all and does not discriminate on the basis of income or geographical status. In celebration of Giving Tuesday on December 3rd, will you help make the Resource Directory a free community service? A donation of just $25 can make this happen!

To be equitable, this directory must be free to list in and free to access. Doing so can bring needed breastfeeding intervention to communities that need it most. If we can fundraise just $5000, we can waive the listing fee in our directory and be able to afford the staff hours to update directory, webmaster fees to maintain, and cover the other administrative costs that make this currently a fee-based service for our non-profit organization. 

BreastfeedLA is reaching out to YOU. Will you donate $25 to help make and keep the BreastfeedLA Resource Directory a free community service?  If just 200 people pledge to donate $25 dollars this Giving Tuesday, we can offer this important resource for free for the next year! 

Health Equity is an ethical principle based in fairness, social justice and human rights. At BreastfeedLA, we continue to fight for health equity that enables breastfeeding advocates to deliver services.  Every person has a right to a fair shot at achieving their full breastfeeding potential and goals, regardless of social advantage and disadvantage. Help us offer all lactation providers the opportunity to list their services, regardless of their ability to pay, in order to ensure that our families can find them when they need their assistance. This will allow our directory to feature a diverse group of lactation professionals who mirror the communities all over L.A. County. 

The staff and board members of BreastfeedLA believe so strongly in the right of our community to receive a robust, non-financially biased directory, that we have each pledged to donate $25 to this cause. So we just need 195 people more! Will you stand with us? Any donations, large and small, will help us meet our goal. By offering lactation providers a free platform to share their services and support, we are also offering families greater access to more choices for their specific breastfeeding needs. 

Everyone deserves representation, everyone deserves access, and every family deserves equitable breastfeeding support!